Supporting the change

The most effective method for delivering change quickly is systems thinking. It centres the design of work on what matters to the customer. The improvement in results are profound. Service and engagement improve at the same time as costs reduce. By working in collaboration with leaders and staff, the adoption of change is fast and the skills to drive change are transferred to internal staff.

Sustained improvement in performance

As a team we have spent 30 years looking at organisation design and employee engagement. We have never seen any other approach that makes such a profound transformation in such a short space of time, or that truly empowers people to make change for themselves. As the transformation is driven across the organisation, changes will need to be made to the infrastructure in order to help embed the change. The priorities for change emerge in the ‘Develop’ phase of the Quo Change methodology. In the Develop phase we design the changes in people strategy, aligning HR processes closely to the needs. We use the method in such a way that you and your leadership team are able to see for yourselves where the priorities for action are.